Working for Recovery Reconstruction & Development in Syria

The Syrian Economy
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After several years of continued decline, the Syrian economy achieved a growth of 1.4% and 2.8% in the years 2018 and 2019, respectively, driven by a relative improvement in the security situation and the resumption of agricultural and industrial production. ... More
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I was incited to write these lines after what I read about the "Public-Private Partnership seminar" organized by the Damascus Chamber of Commerce on 10 July 2019 within the weekly Wednesday forum More
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The economic war and sanctions on Syria are increasing. The EU issued a new package of sanctions in February 2019 targeting Syrian businessmen working in the fields of real estate and trade, and the US has been threatening with the Caesar Act. Alwatan ... More
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The conflict in Syria has almost completed its seventh year. The war and external economic sanctions caused extensive damage to the Syrian economy.. More
Doing Business
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The World Bank Annual Global Doing of Business report reports provide an aggregate ranking on the ease of doing business in the world, based on indicators that measure and benchmark national regulations applying to domestic business.  More
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The World Bank Global Annual Doing of Business reports provide an aggregate ranking on the ease of doing business in the world, based on indicator sets that measure and benchmark national regulations applying to domestic business. More
Recovery & Reconstruction
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Post conflict reconstruction in Syria could be divided into two phases. an Early Recovery Phase which could last up to five years and goes hand in hand with a peace building process, and a Reconstruction and Development Phase, which goes hand in hand with a state building process More
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In 1991, the Investment Law No. 10 was issued declaring Syrian openness to the private sector and granting tax and non-tax incentives for Syrian, Arab and foreign investments... More
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In 2009, Law No. 39 was issued to establish the Real Estate Finance Oversight Commission (linked to the Minister of Finance) to license and supervise operations of the private mortgage companies that will be established under a subsequent law, as well as to supervise mortgage finance provided by commercial public and private banks More
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a summary presentation of a study prepared by the Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development and Investment in Damascus in 2018 about  the textile and garments sector value chain in Syria at the request of UNDP, Syria. More
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The banking sector is one segment of the larger financial sector which includes non-banking financial institutions, such as insurance companies, equity and bond firms, a securities exchange, leasing, real estate, and venture capital finance institutions, in addition to pension funds, mutual funds, and other institutions.  More
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Research links between academia on one side and business and industry on the other is extremely weak in both Syria and Lebanon. The main reasons are shortage of trust and mutual understanding, shortage of finance and competent human resources and shortage of competition in the market.  More
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النقاط الرئيسية لمقابلة الدكتور نبيل سكر مع مجلة المصارف والتأمين والتي نُشرت بعد سنتين على بدء الأزمة في عدد شباط - آذار 2013 More
Decentralization in Syria
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Given its centralized state before the war, Syria was in urgent need for decentralization and for a new governance structure. A de-facto decentralization is in place at present as a result of the fragmentation of the country and separation of many regions from central government control.  More
Cost of Living
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The Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development and Investment (SCB), has completed its Cost of Living Index report for the year 2018 and for the first half of 2019. The Index measures the cost of living for typical middle-income families in the Damascus Area. It covers prices of 144 products and services, ... More
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The Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development and Investment (SCB), has completed its annual Cost of Living Index report for the year 2017. This year’s report, like last year’s, includes an introductory.. More
Post Conflict Recovery and Reconstruction
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Eight years of armed conflict and sanctions have caused severe damage to the Syrian economy, its macro-economic framework, its physical and social infrastructure, and its direct productive and social facilities. GDP has fallen by about 60%, fiscal and trade deficit rose to around 50% of GDP, 1/3 of the housing stock has ... More
Investmen t
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FDI came to a near halt since the onset of the crisis, but FDI in Syria never represented a significant component of investment in the country. Some particularly motivated FDI entered the country during the crisis, coming mainly from Iran and Russia.In the three decades before the crisis, FDI to Syria came mostly from Western ... More