The World Bank Annual Global Doing of Business report reports provide an aggregate ranking on the ease of doing business in the world, based on indicators that measure and benchmark national regulations applying to domestic business. The indicators included in the ranking are: 1) starting a business, 2) dealing with construction permits, 3) getting electricity, 4) registering property, 5) getting credit, 6) protecting minority investors, 7) paying taxes, 8) trading across borders, 9) enforcing contracts, and 10) resolving insolvency.
According to the 2017 report, Syria ranked 179 out of 190 countries in 2018, compared to a ranking of 134 out of 183 countries in its 2010 report. Almost all indicators have weakened, but the worst ones were “Dealing with Construction Permits”, “Trading across Borders”, “registering property” and “Getting Electricity”. The charts below compare Syria’s performance within each of the ten indicators included in the ranking of Ease of Doing Business in 2010 and 2018.
Syria Doing Business Indicators 2018
Source: World Bank, Doing business 2019
Syria Doing Business Indicators 2010
Source: World Bank, Doing Business 2011