The Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development and Investment (SCB), has completed its annual Cost of Living Index report for the year 2017. This year’s report, like last year’s, includes an introductory note on the state of the Syrian economy at the end of 2017 and Syria’s ranking in the 2017 Global Ease of Doing Business report, produced annually by the World Bank.
The Cost of Living Index measures the cost of living for typical middle income families in the Damascus Area. The Index covers prices of 150 products and services, grouped in 12 categories. These are: Food at Home, Clothing & Footwear, Transport, Home Services, Food-away-from-home, Personal Care, Utilities and Education, Sports & Leisure, Detergents & Household Products, Tobacco & Alcohol.
The report incorporates an economic analysis of price changes as well as the quantitative results of the field survey. It provides in-depth analysis and insights of factors affecting prices of goods and service, including the impact of the current crisis and the depreciation of the currency. It also compares this year’s Index with the previous years’ Indexes.
The report is available at a price of
SYP 100,000. If your organization
wishes to purchase the report, please email us at any of our two email addresses ( or or have your secretary call us at any of our telephone numbers (3340710 or 0933/866375, attention Ms. Nancy).